Bill Gajda
SVP, Innovation & Strategic Parternship
Jeremy Galbraith
CEO, Europe, Middle East and Africa & Global Chief Strategy Officer, Burson-Marsteller
Concepción Galdón Sanz-Pastor
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, IE Business School Madrid
Santiago Gallino
Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Associate Professor, Operations, Information, and Decisions Department, Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania
Amy Gallo
Autrice, Harvard Business Review
Andrea Gallo
Direttore creativo, Sugo Design
Giovanna Gallì
Partner e Director Global Board, Spencer Stuart
Fan Gang
President, China Development Institute
David Gann
Vice President Innovation, Imperial College Business School
Raffaele Gareri
Direttore Trasformazione Digitale, Roma Capitale
Barbara Gasperini
Giornalista e autrice - blogger @IT
Paolo Gentiloni
European Commissioner for Economy
Michele Geraci
Economista, già Sottosegretario, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Megan Gerhardt
Professor of Management and Leadership, Farmer School of Business - Miami University
Mauro Giacca
Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences, King's College London
Carolina Gianardi
Responsabile Marketing Strategico, Poste Italiane
Paolo Gila
Giornalista economico e finanziario, Rai
Enrico Giovannini
Fondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Stéphane J. G. Girod
Professor of Strategy and Organizational Design, IMD Business School
Linda Gobbi
Co-fondatrice, Future Concept Lab
Sergey Gorbatov
Professore, IE Business School; Autore e Direttore General Manager Development, ABBVIE
Jonathan Gottschall
Autore e Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College
Nik Gowing
Fondatore del progetto "Thinking the Unthinkable" e Co-Autore del libro "Thinking the Unthinkable: a new imperative for leadership in a disruptive age"
Dominic Grainger