Jorn Lambert

EVP, Digital Channels in Emerging Payments MasterCard

Raffaele Langella

Ambasciatore d’Italia a Singapore e Brunei Darussalam

Raffaele Langella

Ambasciatore d’Italia a Singapore e Brunei Darussalam

Barbara Larson

Executive Professor of Management, D’Amore-McKim School of Business - Northeastern University, USA

Luca Lastrucci

Chief Executive Officer, Menarini Asia-Pacific

Elena Lavezzi

Head of Southern Europe, Revolut

Marc Lazar

Professore Emerito, SCIENCES PO - Storico e sociologo

Gerd Leonhard

CEO, The Futures Agency

Enrico Letta

Rapporteur, European Council; Presidente, Jacques Delors Institut - Notre Europe

David Li

Chief Economist, New Development Bank

Gideon Lichfield

Editor-in-chief, MIT Technology Review

Ulrich Lichtenthaler

Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, International School of Management

Andrew Likierman

Professor of Management Practice in Accounting e già Dean, London Business School (LBS)

Andrea Lipparini

Professore Ordinario di Strategia, Università degli Studi di Bologna

Ugo Loeser

Amministratore Delegato, ARCA Fondi SGR

Davide Lomanto

Director, Minimally Invasive Surgical Centre, National University Hospital

Giorgia Longoni

Former Global Client Marketing Director, Bottega Veneta

Pier Luigi Lopalco

Professore di Igiene, Università del Salento

Alessandro Lucchini

Fondatore, Palestra della Scrittura

Edward N. Luttwak

Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, USA