Unlocking the potential of Gen Z and generations
Unlocking the potential of Gen Z and generations

Jason Dorsey
Denise Villa

Added on 14/11/2022

Per trattenere i talenti bisogna imparare a investire nelle persone
Per trattenere i talenti bisogna imparare a investire nelle persone

Federico Vione

Added on 14/11/2022

Effective Leaders Decide About Deciding
Effective Leaders Decide About Deciding

Nancy Duarte

Added on 09/11/2022

The pandemic has redefined leadership at every level. Meet the new, hybrid leader
The pandemic has redefined leadership at every level. Meet the new, hybrid leader

Betsy Leatherman

Added on 09/11/2022

Why Visionary Leadership Fails
Why Visionary Leadership Fails

Nufer Yasin Ates
Murat Tarakci
Jeanine P. Porck
Daan Van Knippenberg
Patrick Groenen

Added on 09/11/2022

La rivoluzione dei modelli di pricing:  Il pricing come principale leva di profitto e  nuova fonte di vantaggio competitivo
La rivoluzione dei modelli di pricing: Il pricing come principale leva di profitto e nuova fonte di vantaggio competitivo

Danilo Zatta

Added on 07/11/2022

Alta Direzione Sales & Marketing
Terre rare. La Cina e la geopolitica dei minerali strategici - estratto
Terre rare. La Cina e la geopolitica dei minerali strategici - estratto

Sophia Kalantzakos

Added on 26/10/2022

Sustainable business model design - Presentazione
Sustainable business model design - Presentazione

Lorenzo Massa

Added on 19/10/2022

China’s Role in Supplying Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transition. What Could the Future Hold?
China’s Role in Supplying Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transition. What Could the Future Hold?

Rodrigo Castillo
Caitlin Purdy

Added on 18/10/2022

The race for raw materials
The race for raw materials

Viktoria Reisch

Added on 18/10/2022

Il giardino della felicità
Il giardino della felicità

Mauro Bonazzi

Added on 12/10/2022

Leading with confidence in uncertain times
Leading with confidence in uncertain times

Don A. Moore
Max H. Bazerman

Added on 12/10/2022

What are your decision-making strengths and blind spots?
What are your decision-making strengths and blind spots?

Cheryl Strauss Einhorn

Added on 12/10/2022

Why pricing decisions need more than management intuition
Why pricing decisions need more than management intuition

Daniel Deneffe
Herman Vantrappen

Added on 11/10/2022

Alta Direzione Sales & Marketing
Precision pricing when inflation is rising
Precision pricing when inflation is rising

Jonathan Byrnes
John Wass

Added on 11/10/2022

Alta Direzione Sales & Marketing
7 lessons on dynamic pricing (courtesy of Bruce Springsteen)
7 lessons on dynamic pricing (courtesy of Bruce Springsteen)

Rafi Mohammed

Added on 11/10/2022

Alta Direzione Sales & Marketing
Il pricing? Ecco perché lo deve gestire il top management
Il pricing? Ecco perché lo deve gestire il top management

Danilo Zatta

Added on 11/10/2022

Alta Direzione Sales & Marketing
Cybersecurity in 2022 – A fresh look at some very alarming stats
Cybersecurity in 2022 – A fresh look at some very alarming stats

Chuck Brooks

Added on 06/10/2022

Operations - R&D Innovazione
X-Force threat intelligence index 2022 - estratto
X-Force threat intelligence index 2022 - estratto

Added on 06/10/2022

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Design for cybersecurity from the start
Design for cybersecurity from the start

Keri Pearlson
Keman Huang

Added on 06/10/2022

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Report - Observatory on Women's Empowerment
Report - Observatory on Women's Empowerment

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 28/09/2022

Scenario Risorse umane
Humanocracy. Imprese Resilienti, creative e stimolanti
Humanocracy. Imprese Resilienti, creative e stimolanti

Michele Zanini

Added on 26/09/2022

Risorse umane

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 23/09/2022

Environmental product differentiation: Implications for corporate strategy
Environmental product differentiation: Implications for corporate strategy

Forest L Reinhardt

Added on 22/09/2022