IT00:39:28February 2025Una storia di successo e forza di volontàAnnalisa MinettiCantante e atleta paralimpica
IT00:41:50February 2025Come allenare la mente contro gli auto-sabotaggi mentaliRomina CorbaraPsicologa, sociologa e formatrice
IT EN00:32:53February 2025Regaining the enthusiasm for leadership: being the leader your team needs, even under stressDaisy Auger-DominguezWriter
IT EN00:24:06February 2025The circle framework: a catalyst for sustainable business and competitivenessJonatan PinkseProfessor of Sustainable Business, King’s Business School, King’s College London
IT EN00:27:01February 2025Immersive sustainability: from responsibility to competitive edgeCarolyn KissaneFounder, Energy, Climate Justice and Sustainability Lab, New York University
IT EN00:32:37February 2025Sustainability or competitiveness? A false dilemmaEnrico GiovanniniFondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
IT EN00:26:06February 2025From vision to reality: unleashing the power of circular business modelsJulia BinderProfessor of Sustainable Innovation, IMD Business School
IT EN00:23:49February 2025Circular economy and competitiveness: the Stellantis visionAlison JonesSenior Vice President Global Circular Economy, Stellantis
IT EN00:25:41February 2025Corporate sustainability: balancing values, competitiveness, and compliance in a new landscapeCarlo CiciPartner, Head of Sustainability Practice, TEHA Group
IT EN00:30:19February 2025Imagine a world where beauty drives sustainability and competitivenessMario CucinellaFondatore e Direttore Creativo, Mario Cucinella Architects