Business models for shared value - A guide for executives
Business models for shared value - A guide for executives

Lorenzo Massa
Florian Lüdeke-Freund
Nancy Bocken

Added on 22/09/2022

In search of a sustainability strategy
In search of a sustainability strategy

Lorenzo Massa

Added on 22/09/2022

Le quattro Discipline dell'Execution. Conseguire gli obiettivi davvero importanti
Le quattro Discipline dell'Execution. Conseguire gli obiettivi davvero importanti

Chris McChesney
Sean Covey
Jim Huling

Added on 21/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Estratto da
Estratto da "Talento. Come scovare le persone vincenti, creative e piene di energia positiva"

Victor Morris

Added on 20/09/2022

Risorse umane
How to spot — and develop — high-potential talent in your organization
How to spot — and develop — high-potential talent in your organization

James Intagliata
Jennifer Sturman
Stephen Kincaid

Added on 20/09/2022

Risorse umane
What Gen-Z graduates want from their employers
What Gen-Z graduates want from their employers

The Economist

Added on 20/09/2022

Risorse umane
Adopting a talent strategy based on competencies, not skills
Adopting a talent strategy based on competencies, not skills

Victor Morris

Added on 20/09/2022

Risorse umane
The surprising science of meetings
The surprising science of meetings

Steven Rogelberg

Added on 20/09/2022

Risorse umane Leadership
Why we need to think differently about digital transformation
Why we need to think differently about digital transformation

Sanjib Sahoo

Added on 19/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Busting bureaucracy with humanocracy: Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini
Busting bureaucracy with humanocracy: Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini

Yasmin Taj

Added on 19/09/2022

Risorse umane
Fixing bureaucracy requires more than a month-long sprint. Here's why
Fixing bureaucracy requires more than a month-long sprint. Here's why

Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel

Added on 19/09/2022

Risorse umane
Recovery as a springboard for change. Investing in Europe’s digital transformation
Recovery as a springboard for change. Investing in Europe’s digital transformation

EIB Investment Report 2021/2022

Added on 19/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
The new human movement
The new human movement

Added on 19/09/2022

Risorse umane
Why do we undervalue competent management?
Why do we undervalue competent management?

Raffaella Sadun
Nicholas Bloom
John Van Reenen

Added on 15/09/2022

Sapore di sale
Sapore di sale


Added on 14/09/2022

 Quanto è affidabile il gas algerino?
Quanto è affidabile il gas algerino?

Michele Soldavini

Added on 14/09/2022

Resilience of global supply chains. Challenges and solutions
Resilience of global supply chains. Challenges and solutions

European Parliamentary Research Service

Added on 14/09/2022

Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains: a Year of Action and Progress
Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains: a Year of Action and Progress

Added on 14/09/2022

The future of global supply chains: What are the implications for international trade?
The future of global supply chains: What are the implications for international trade?

David Dollar

Added on 14/09/2022

Are the Risks of Global Supply Chains Starting to Outweigh the Rewards?
Are the Risks of Global Supply Chains Starting to Outweigh the Rewards?

Willy C. Shih

Added on 14/09/2022

China’s Role in Supplying Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transition. What Could the Future Hold?
China’s Role in Supplying Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transition. What Could the Future Hold?

Rodrigo Castillo
Caitlin Purdy

Added on 14/09/2022

Yossi Sheffi's presentation
Yossi Sheffi's presentation

Yossi Sheffi

Added on 14/09/2022

C’è sempre un caso Modigliani dietro l’angolo?
C’è sempre un caso Modigliani dietro l’angolo?

Laura Traversi

Added on 13/09/2022

La dimensione sociale dell’errore: perché è difficile andare controcorrente
La dimensione sociale dell’errore: perché è difficile andare controcorrente

Vittorio Pelligra

Added on 13/09/2022
