Costruire la leadership nell’era della globalizzazione frammentata
Costruire la leadership nell’era della globalizzazione frammentata

Andrea Granelli

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
Adding Value with Human Intuition in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Adding Value with Human Intuition in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Eugene Sadler-Smith

Added on 06/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Adding Value with Human Intuition in the Age of AI
Adding Value with Human Intuition in the Age of AI

Eugene Sadler-Smith

Added on 06/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

Leon A. Gatys
Alexander S. Ecker
Matthias Bethge

Added on 06/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
How People Can Create - and Destroy - Value with Generative AI
How People Can Create - and Destroy - Value with Generative AI

François Candelon
Lisa Krayer
Saran Rajendran
David Zuluaga Martínez

Added on 06/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale il giudizio critico è un vantaggio competitivo
Nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale il giudizio critico è un vantaggio competitivo

Elisa Farri
Paolo Cervini
Gabriele Rosani

Added on 02/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Why AI will never replace managers
Why AI will never replace managers

Frank Martela
Jukka Luoma

Added on 02/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Remember the human element of the emerging AI world
Remember the human element of the emerging AI world

Bjorn Reynolds

Added on 02/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Il dilemma di Israele
Il dilemma di Israele

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 26/10/2023

Il postulato Quaroni
Il postulato Quaroni

Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 9/23

Added on 26/10/2023

Technical evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank digital currency system
Technical evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank digital currency system

Added on 26/10/2023

La sindrome ottomana
La sindrome ottomana

Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 3/23

Added on 26/10/2023

Digital Euro: an assessment of the first two ECB progress reports
Digital Euro: an assessment of the first two ECB progress reports

Added on 26/10/2023

A chi farà concorrenza l’euro digitale?
A chi farà concorrenza l’euro digitale?

Gianfranco Ursino

Added on 26/10/2023

Sul dilemma Ucraina-Taiwan l’America si gioca l’egemonia
Sul dilemma Ucraina-Taiwan l’America si gioca l’egemonia

Numero Di Limes 9/23

Added on 26/10/2023

Presentazione di Francesco Del Greco
Presentazione di Francesco Del Greco

Francesco Del Greco

Added on 26/10/2023

The value added of central bank digital currencies: a view from the euro area
The value added of central bank digital currencies: a view from the euro area

Maria Demertzis
Catarina Martins

Added on 26/10/2023

A stocktake on the digital euro. Summary report on the investigation phase and outlook on the next phase
A stocktake on the digital euro. Summary report on the investigation phase and outlook on the next phase

Added on 26/10/2023

How Should Central Banks Explore Central Bank Digital Currency?
How Should Central Banks Explore Central Bank Digital Currency?

Added on 26/10/2023

Le vostre piattaforme digitali fanno perdere tempo ai vostri clienti?
Le vostre piattaforme digitali fanno perdere tempo ai vostri clienti?

David W. Norton
B. Joseph Pine II

Added on 18/10/2023

Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022
Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022

Added on 18/10/2023

La tecnologia per creare una migliore esperienza del cliente
La tecnologia per creare una migliore esperienza del cliente

Leah Leachman
Don Scheibenreif

Added on 18/10/2023

Too much data, not enough insights
Too much data, not enough insights

Bhopi Dhall
Saurajit Kanungo

Added on 18/10/2023

Pillars of resilient digital transformation: how cios are driving organizational agility
Pillars of resilient digital transformation: how cios are driving organizational agility

Jim Palermo

Added on 18/10/2023
