Monday, December 17, 2012 (12 noon - 1:00 pm)

Resolving the Eurozone crisis: the European Commission's point of view

John Berrigan, in rappresentanza della Commissione Europea, approfondirà le questioni più calde in tema finanziario: quali gli impatti sull’Europa e quali le prospettive per il futuro?
La sessione on-line si concluderà con una parte interattiva di domande e risposte, che arricchirà lo scenario affrontato.


John Berrigan

Director for Financial Stability, Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission


December 17, 2012
12 noon - 12:30 pm John Berrigan's presentation
12 noon - 12:30 pm John Berrigan's presentation
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm on-line discussion with participants
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm on-line discussion with participants

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

Resolving the Eurozone crisis: the European Commission's point of view

Nota informativa


Resolving the Eurozone crisis: the European Commission's point of view



Resolving the Eurozone crisis: the European Commission's point of view

Annual growth survey 2013. Communication from the Commission

European Commission

Resolving the Eurozone crisis: the European Commission's point of view

A blueprint for a deep and genuine economic and monetary union launching a european debate

European Commission

Resolving the Eurozone crisis: the European Commission's point of view

The Commission presents a blueprint for a deep and genuine economic and monetary union

European Commission