Monday, April 14, 2014 (12 noon - 1:00 pm)

The challenges for the European banking sector between bank union and new normal


Roberto Nicastro

Presidente Nuova Banca delle Marche


April 14, 2014
12 noon - 12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

The challenges for the European banking sector between bank union and new normal

Nota informativa


The challenges for the European banking sector between bank union and new normal



The challenges for the European banking sector between bank union and new normal

Ripartono i mutui la stretta è finita le banche lanciano segnali di svolta. Credit crunch, la stretta è finita

Marco Panara

The challenges for the European banking sector between bank union and new normal

A realistic bridge towards European banking union

Nicolas Véron

The challenges for the European banking sector between bank union and new normal

Europe’s Ungainly Banking Revolution

Daniel Gros