Wednesday, November 8, 2017 (12 noon - 1:00 pm)

The future of Marketing with Cognitive Computing

Jon Iwata, SVP and Chief Brand Officer di IBM, will tell us how marketing will change thanks to Cognitive Computing, focusing on the challenges and the potentials of this technology. Given is capability of giving insights about customers at every touchpoint, Cognitive Computing could become Marketing and Sales’ best ally. But are CMOs and Head of Sales ready to use it? Bringing the data gathered from IBM’s last research, Iwata will answer this, showing us the actual results obtained by who has already adopted this technology in his business.


Jon Iwata

Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications, IBM


November 08, 2017
12 noon - 12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

The future of Marketing with Cognitive Computing

Nota informativa


The future of Marketing with Cognitive Computing



The future of Marketing with Cognitive Computing

From Digital Marketing to Cognitive Marketing

Jon Iwata

The future of Marketing with Cognitive Computing

Il Futuro del Marketing con il congnitive computing - articolo di sintesi

The European House - Ambrosetti

Video of the meeting