Monday, May 18, 2020 (4:30 pm - 5:45 pm)

Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

In this second analysis for 2020, Prof. Caracciolo will help us understand the world in which we find ourselves at the dawn of post-Coronavirus PHASE 2.
Specifically, he will be concentrating on:

  • how China’s position will change on the international chessboard;
  • the European situation and the consequences for Italy;
  • how US internal and external policy will change.


Lucio Caracciolo

Director and Founder, Limes


May 18, 2020
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus Luca Caracciolo
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Discussion

Meeting documents

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Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Nota informativa


Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus



Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Il Quinto Paradigma

L’editoriale del numero di Limes 4/2020

Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Covid-19, Ebola, Hiv...da dove arrivano i virus

Laura Canali

Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Taiwan, Giappone, Nuova Zelanda: tre grane per la Cina

Federico Petroni

Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Il mondo questa settimana

Dario Fabbri

Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Napoleone, papa Wojtyła, India nucleare: gli anniversari geopolitici del 18 maggio

Lorenzo Noto

Our veering viral world: the geopolitical consequences of the Coronavirus

Noi nel mondo virato

Lucio Caracciolo

Video of the meeting