Monday, October 19, 2020 (4:30 pm - 5:30 pm)

Making smarter decisions in teams.
The psychology of group decision-making processes

Almost every decision of consequence is made by a group, but the failures related to decision making within the teams are on the agenda.
Why groups of smart people can make horrible decisions?
How important is the intelligence or wisdom of the individual actors involved vs. the team’s collective intelligence?
This webinar will provide with the main keys to effective group decision making and will also improve our understanding of how other people make decisions.
Building on the latest research in psychology and behavioral science, it will address:

  • the main traps that plague most teams' decision-making process
  • a series of concrete strategies to make smarter group choices.


Jordi Quoidbach

Associate Professor of People Management & Organisation, ESADE Business School


October 19, 2020
4:30 pm - 5:15 pm Making smarter decisions in teams
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm Discussion

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

Making smarter decisions in teams.
The psychology of group decision-making processes

Nota informativa


Making smarter decisions in teams.
The psychology of group decision-making processes


Video of the meeting