Friday, April 24, 2020 (6:15 pm - 7:30 pm)

The Response of the European Council to the Pandemic Crisis: speech by Mario Monti

On Thursday, April 23rd, the Prime Ministers of the European Countries will meet in videoconference to decide what measures will be adopted to face the socioeconomic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic.
There are four areas of action, and three of these have already been approved by the Ministers of Finance during the Eurogroup: resorting to the ESM - the European Stability Mechanism, and in case at what conditions; the establishment of a guarantee fund, through the EIB - The European Investment Bank, to provide liquidity to companies; the support to the program of the European Commission “SURE”, to protect the employment of the countries mainly hit by the pandemic. The establishment of a Recovery Fund for the industries and regions mainly hit and financed by the so called Eurobond, will also be discussed.
Mario Monti, Chair of the Bocconi University and former Italian Prime Minister and European Commissioner, will bring his vision on this historical European Council meeting.


Mario Monti

President, Luigi Bocconi University and Senator for life of the Republic of Italy


April 24, 2020
6:15 pm - 6:45 pm Remarks by Mario Monti
6:45 pm - 7:30 pm Discussion

Meeting documents

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The Response of the European Council to the Pandemic Crisis: speech by Mario Monti

Nota informativa


The Response of the European Council to the Pandemic Crisis: speech by Mario Monti



The Response of the European Council to the Pandemic Crisis: speech by Mario Monti<br />

La risposta del Consiglio Europeo alla crisi da pandemia Covid19: incontro con Mario Monti

Ambrosetti Club

Video of the meeting