Thursday, May 20, 2021 (4:30 pm - 5:30 pm)

Business lessons from Art.
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

In this series of Webinars, we will take inspiration from the great artists of the past to address issues related to the business world.
Examples from the art world can in fact help managers to improve decision-making processes, work organization, the expansion of thought and the search for innovative solutions. In this event, Stefano Zuffi, art historian, will address the issue of compensation and professional placement. A topic that in the Renaissance, as it will be told through the life and works of Raphael, lived dynamics, logic and solutions completely comparable to those that we live in our companies.


Stefano Zuffi

Art historian and author


May 20, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:10 pm Speech by Stefano Zuffi
5:10 pm - 5:30 pm Discussion

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

Business lessons from Art.
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Nota informativa


Business lessons from Art.
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification



<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>Business lessons from Art.<br
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Raffaello non deve morire

Stefano Zuffi

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>Business lessons from Art.<br
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Eterni ragazzi. Raffaello e Mozart, due vite allo specchio

Stefano Zuffi

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>Business lessons from Art.<br
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Raffaello. La Madonna Esterházy. Ediz. illustrata

Stefano Zuffi

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>Business lessons from Art.<br
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Raffaello 1520-1483

Marzia Faietti, Matteo Lafranconi

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>Business lessons from Art.<br
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Raffaello pugnalato

Marco Carminati

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>Business lessons from Art.<br
Raffaello Sanzio: fair compensation and professional classification

Arte e management: Raffaello Sanzio, lottare per raggiungere il successo

Stefano Zuffi

Video of the meeting