Monday, November 22, 2021 (4:30 pm - 5:30 pm)

Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

The economy is going through a very uncertain time. One of the most difficult periods at global level is coming to an end and the vaccine plan holds out hope that the economy, and life, can settle into a "new normal" over the next 12-24 months.

What medium and long term consequences has the "Coronavirus tsunami" brought to the global economic scenario? What new trends have emerged and which have been amplified from the pre-pandemic world?

With Janet Henry, expert on the economic implications of globalization, the participants will have the opportunity to address the following points:

  • global economic outlook, with a focus on China and Europe
  • the key growth and inflation risks in a world still fighting a battle against COVID-19
  • the policy outlook and other factors that will most influence businesses and financial market.


Janet Henry

Global Chief Economist, HSBC


November 22, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Speech by Janet Henry
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Discussion

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

Nota informativa


Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?



<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

Economic bulletin - Issue 7/2021

European Central Bank

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

Reining it in

Janet Henry

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

European economic forecast – Summer 2021 (estratto)

European Commission

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

World economic outlook. Recovery during a pandemic (estratto)

International Monetary Fund

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

Regional economic outlook update Europe

International Monetary Fund

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
Post-Covid economic outlook: where is the world economy going?

Economic outlook: keeping the recovery on track. OECD - Interim report september 2021

OECD Economic Outlook

Video of the meeting