Monday, November 7, 2022 (4:30 pm - 5:30 pm)

Pricing Revolution: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Pricing has always been one of the strategic keys for all companies and today, in particular, its rethinking is one of the priorities of many business leaders. In many sectors, the classic transactional pricing models are replaced by innovative pricing models that are giving great advantages to companies that can understand and exploit them to the fullest, introducing new concepts such as dynamic pricing, subscription or pay-per-use, and using AI to govern processes more quickly and effectively.
So how can you make the most of Pricing Revolution? How to understand the needs of consumers and how to choose the most suitable pricing model?
During this meeting, thanks to Danilo Zatta, author and among the world’s leading experts in pricing, participants will have the opportunity to deepen the key points in his latest book "Pricing Revolution. How pricing will change the way we sell and buy online and offline":

  • what are the best innovative pricing models and how they are successfully employed by companies
  • how psychological pricing works and how it helps guide customer choices
  • application of pricing based on artificial intelligence and concrete examples of use.


Danilo Zatta

Author, pricing and topline excellence expert


November 07, 2022
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Pricing Revolution: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Debate

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

Pricing Revolution: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Nota informativa


Pricing Revolution: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models



<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Pricing revolution. Come il pricing cambierà il nostro modo di vendere e comprare online e offline

Danilo Zatta


<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Il pricing? Ecco perché lo deve gestire il top management

Danilo Zatta

Il Sole 24 Ore

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Precision pricing when inflation is rising

Jonathan Byrnes, John Wass

Harvard Business Review

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

7 lessons on dynamic pricing (courtesy of Bruce Springsteen)

Rafi Mohammed

Harvard Business Review

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Why pricing decisions need more than management intuition

Daniel Deneffe, Herman Vantrappen

MIT Sloan Management Review

<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Le basi del pricing. Strategie di prezzo per incrementare la redditività

Danilo Zatta


<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Retail management. Impostare strategie vincenti e realizzarle con successo

Danilo Zatta, Gianluca Strata


<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

100 strumenti per il manager. La guida indispensabile. Dall'analisi ABC allo Zero-Based Budgeting

Danilo Zatta


<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

Al cuore della leadership

Danilo Zatta


<cite></cite><data><small>WEBINAR LIVE<br></small></data>
<em>Pricing Revolution</em>: the challenge and opportunity of innovative pricing models

La rivoluzione dei modelli di pricing: Il pricing come principale leva di profitto e nuova fonte di vantaggio competitivo

Danilo Zatta

Video of the meeting