Monday, May 13, 2024 (12 noon - 1:00 pm)

Management insights from the best musicians: Bach, the specialist

Many people might consider music to be as far removed from business as possible, and yet, upon closer inspection, there may be more points of contact than one would think. This new series from TEHA, tries to reveal them by looking at the works of the greatest composers, not only as artists, but as examples of successful formae mentis, capable of creating "products" that can survive the centuries. Each episode will address one of these mindsets, trying to highlight its merits and flaws, useful even today for business leaders.
I like to work on a single idea, and I can present it in new ways all the time. Bach's mindset, the specialist.
In this first appointment, Maestro Giorgio Fabbri, conductor and trainer, will tell us how Bach was able to make focus his strength. His ability to choose a single thematic idea and away modify it without ever abandoning it proved capable of creating a strong identity and conveying a clear and always harmonious vision. An excellent example for all business leaders called upon to know how to act, remaining consistent with a well-determined vision and channeling thoughts and energies in the desired direction.
In particular, it will touch on:

  • Bach, the MonoMindset "manager"
  • the universal principle: unity
  • effectively carrying out a coherent idea without becoming repetitive.


Giorgio Fabbri

Orchestra Director and musician


May 13, 2024
12 noon - 1:00 pm Management insights from the best musicians: Bach, the specialist

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Management insights from the best musicians: Bach, the specialist

Nota informativa


Management insights from the best musicians: Bach, the specialist
