Giorgio Battisti

General in the Italian Army; Commander - Training, Specialization and Military Doctrine

Elisabetta Belloni

General Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Barbara Beltrame

Vice Presidente per l'Internazionalizzazione, Confindustria

Fabio Benfenati

Direttore, Center for Synaptic Neuroscience and Technology, IIT

Ben Bensaou

Professor of Technology Management and Asian Business and Comparative Management,INSEAD

Stefano Beraldo

Amministratore Delegato, OVS

Mauro Berruto

Segretario Commissione Cultura, Scienza e Istruzione, CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI

Marco Bertini

Professor of Marketing, ESADE Business School

Suman Bery

Chief Economist, Royal Dutch Shell plc

Stephen Bevan

Head of HR research development, Institute for Employment Studies IES, UK

Louise Beveridge

Founding Partner, JUSTE; Former Senior Vice President Communications, Kering Group

Rajesh Bhat

Co-fondatore e Chief Executive Officer, Roostify

Daniela Bianco

Partner e Responsabile area Healthcare, The European House - Ambrosetti

Paolo Biasci

Presidente Nazionale, FIMP

Lori George Billingsley

Global Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, The Coca-Cola Company

Roberto Binaghi

Chairman e CEO, Mindshare

Julian Birkinshaw

Professor & Chair of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School

Reid Blackman

Author and AI ethics expert

GianLorenzo Blengini

Italian volleyball coach, Lube coach; former Coach of the Italian national volleyball team

Jeb Blount

CEO, Sales Gravy

Lisa Bodell

Founder and CEO of FutureThink, Author of "Why Simple Wins" and "Kill the Company"

Andrea Boldrin

Direttore Risorse Umane, DECATHLON ITALIA

Lorenza Bonaccorsi

Sottosegretario, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

Paolo Bonanni

Coordinatore del Board, Calendario per la Vita - Professore di Igiene, Università di Firenze