IT EN00:23:20June 2024How to support companies in their ESG transition: the UniCredit perspectiveFiona MelroseHead of Group Strategy & ESG, UniCredit
IT EN00:26:24June 2024Be relevant: turning sustainability challenges into competitive opportunitiesCarlo CiciPartner, Head of Sustainability Practice, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:23:51June 2024Leveraging technology to build relevant sustainable strategiesScott ChildressPresident of Sustainability, CFO, Network of the Future, UPS
IT EN00:23:22June 2024ESG as a concrete and substantial choice: sharing social valueEmanuela DelucchiChief ESG, IR & Communication Officer, ERG
IT EN00:17:26June 2024From Occam’s razor to orthogonal thinkingRiccardo ValentiniDirettore, Divisione Impatti del Clima, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
IT EN00:18:38June 2024Understanding the different meanings of sustainability around the world (beyond environment)Farah CaswellPartner, Senior Sustainability and Environmental Engineer, Foster + Partners
IT EN00:34:49June 2024Quit: when is it right to "walk away"? What can we learn from a professional poker player?Annie DukeFormer professional poker player and writer
IT00:25:53June 2024L’economia italiana in un mondo connesso e sempre più incertoGiovanna PrandiniPresidente, Associazione Consorzi Tutela Vini Lombardi (ASCOVILO)
IT00:57:33June 2024Trend macroeconomici e prospettive di breve e medio periodo per Italia e EuropaFadi HassanVisiting Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IT00:47:02June 2024Imprese italiane: pratiche manageriali e impatto sulla produttività Fadi HassanVisiting Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IT00:22:23June 2024L'innovazione dell'IA nel Gruppo Ferrovie dello StatoRoberto TundoChief Technology, Innovation & Digital Officer, Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato
IT00:31:52June 2024IA in azienda: i passi da compiere per assicurare un'efficiente interazione uomo-macchinaStefano PuntoniProfessor of Marketing, The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania
IT00:44:25June 2024Applicazioni della IA nel mondo: dal Brasile a Singapore, spunti per introdurla nell'ecosistema italianoBarbara CarfagnaGiornalista , RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana
IT00:28:59June 2024Ciascuno per sé, nessuno per tutti: prove di suicidio europeoLucio CaraccioloPresidente, Limes e Scuola di Limes
IT EN00:19:44June 2024Rethinking teams: from minimizing errors to maximizing innovationKendell TimmersSVP e Head of Data & Insights, The New York Times
IT EN00:35:43June 2024Key metrics for success: the experience of the New York TimesKendell TimmersSVP e Head of Data & Insights, The New York Times
IT EN00:35:04June 2024Leadership, diversity and psychological security: why they are important for team performanceRose CartolariEuropean Women on Boards and Coaches Council Member, Forbes
IT EN00:35:10June 2024The perfectionism trap and the impacts on performance. The unbearable heaviness of perfectionThomas CurranAssociate Professor of Psychological and Behavioural Science, London School of Economics
IT00:25:28June 2024Un modello per gestire la motivazione dei giovani in aziendaChristian ZoliCoach e Co-Founder, BeaconForce
IT00:24:04June 2024Cosa contraddistingue l’approccio alla vita e al lavoro della Gen Z?Isabella PierantoniSociologa e futurista; Fondatrice, Generation MoverTM
IT00:28:49June 2024Una generazione da non perdere: le maggiori sfide per le aziende italianeAlessandro BragaHead of Jam - Join the Ageless Mind, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT00:32:33June 2024L’esempio di ScuolaZoo nella gestione delle nuove generazioniGabriele SadaCEO; Equity Partner, ScuolaZoo; Belive; OneDay Group
IT00:42:05June 2024La gestione della complessità e come affrontarla con le 4 CValentina De MarchiAssociate Professor , Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability, ESADE Business School
IT01:06:14June 2024Vincere la sfida della sostenibilità in azienda: tradurre le scelte strategiche in risultati concreti e condivisiValentina De MarchiAssociate Professor , Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability, ESADE Business School